Programmatic Framework FAQs

How is a project or film decided on?

An artist will submit a request through the website. At that point either Dagan or Irv will look at it to make sure it meets the mission statement. If so and at that point they will bring the project to a quarterly board meeting to pitch (typically the 4th quarter meeting to prepare for the next fiscal year.) The board will then vote whether or not take on the project. 

What influences the artistic choices you make when choosing a project to take on?

It has to answer our mission statement. If it passes that then we look at other factors such as, “What is the mission of that particular film or series?” “What is its vision?”

What filters do you use to determine if a film project is right for the organization?

It has to align with our mission statement and then we determine what stage of production it is in and if we have the resources to support the project. Does the project have a pilot episode required to be shot? Is it already filmed but needs help in distribution? Depending on what stage of production it is in when it reaches us depends on if we can take it on. 

What would disqualify a project?

If the project didn’t have a message that was emotional, entertaining and educational then it would be disqualified. At that point we would give feedback to the artist on what we would need from them for their project to qualify. Sometimes, It may just be as simple as a waiting list.